Monday 25 June 2007

Traffic Jam poem No 3. (aka eucalyptus oil inhalation verse)

I'b god a veby bad cold in deh head.
Id's so bad I'b dagen do bed.
My head's lige a melon.
My nose geebs on swellin'
I thig I'd be bedder off dead.
(Only joging)

Paracedamol's nod done a jod,
Egginacea's nod helbing a lod,
Berhabs I'll tage 'Plagebo',
Need lods of faith though,
Do helb me ged oud of my cod.

Well, the days have slipped away fast,
I'm starting to feel better at last,
No long slumber here,
As once was the fear,
(Only joking)
M'hooter just needs one more blast.

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