I really love my flanny,
I really, really do,
It keeps me warm and cozy,
In a nice big plaid that's blue.
My friends all say it's daggy,
I say to them, says who,
When they tell me, take it off,
They haven't got a clue.
The lumberjacks are fine,
The footy fans are too,
For extra wintry weather,
Only blue plaid flannies do.
In the cold old days of autumn,
When May winds chill me through,
I really love my flanny,
I really, really do.
I really, really do,
It keeps me warm and cozy,
In a nice big plaid that's blue.
My friends all say it's daggy,
I say to them, says who,
When they tell me, take it off,
They haven't got a clue.
The lumberjacks are fine,
The footy fans are too,
For extra wintry weather,
Only blue plaid flannies do.
In the cold old days of autumn,
When May winds chill me through,
I really love my flanny,
I really, really do.
(Especially for Shado)
Note this footnote from a scholarly article
'Mocassin footwear [ie ugg boots] and flanelette shirts are the stigamatized symbols of the working ad displaced working class. The imagery is often used to represent the lack of style and ambition among the poor and unemployed.'
Deborah J. Warr, 'Social networks in a 'discredited neighbourhood', Journal of Sociology 2005: 41, p. 306.
Further from http://www.convictcreations.com/culture/fashion.htm
'As is to be expected, world opinions about Australian fashion are usually quite derogatory. Even though the occasional individual may wear high-class fashion well, there are just too many other Australians who wear it poorly. A beautiful girl may wear a Versace shirt but not take enough care to ensure the tag is concealed. Likewise, there used to be a saying that "if you want to see if a businessman is Australian, look at his shoes." World wide, it had become apparent that either Australians wore cheap shoes, or didn't bother to polish them.'
Shado, thanks for your comment.
I promise not to wear uggies with my flanny. I'll only wear them with the Versace blouse and when I wear the Versace blouse under my flanny I'll make sure the tag isn't showing.
the horror! the horror!
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